鍾慧珠 Wai Che Chung

1923 – 2020

The Ceremony

The funeral was held on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 12:30pm (Eastern). For those unable to attend, you can watch the recording here.

Donate to Yee Hong

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that a donation be made to Yee Hong Centre. On the donation form, make sure you check “This gift is in honour of…” and include the name “Wai Che Chung” (Click here for example)

A Brief History

Eddy, eldest of her five children, soon arrived while dad was away in Vietnam. Dad returned a few years later and two more children (Roland and Martina) were born before they fled to Hong Kong again until the final move to Canada. The two youngest siblings (Ada and Paul) were born in Hong Kong. Mom had fond memories of the village Kee O where she grew up. She often talked about digging sweet potatoes in the fields, and combating sea waves in the ocean to harvest fresh oysters. She would reminisce about the family’s century-old home. In her advanced years, our conversations often revolved around the village and the family home.

In addition to the five children of her own, she often looked after Dad’s mother and our cousins. At the time, Hong Kong was seen as more desirable with more opportunities than mainland China. Thus Mom and Dad were entrusted with our cousins, to give them a better future. It was normal for Mom to have a household of nine kids plus our elderly grandma. Every day, she would plan, shop and feed the family, all within a limited budget. She often talked about how heavy groceries were and how busy the household was. Yet none of these stopped her from being involved in small ventures to provide more for her family. She ran a small roadside coffee shop, and sewed and picked up different odd jobs to make ends meet. We also moved around quite a bit in order to accommodate the growing family.

Eddy had the opportunity to immigrate to Canada in 1967, followed by Roland and Martina. Then in 1973, the entire family was reunited when Mom and Dad with the youngest two siblings joined them in Canada. With the family together, Dad retired as a school teacher and began to teach painting in Toronto. Mom helped out at Eddy’s restaurant, The House of Chung, and despite not knowing English, she was able to easily navigate the city. She regularly made the trip from Toronto to Eddy’s restaurant in Bolton or from Toronto to to Elmvale North of Barrie to visit her brother who runs a restaurant there!

Mom was a hard-working, strong, independent, determined, resourceful and vocal woman. She was the CEO of the household, a dedicated care-giver. Not only did she bring up her own five children but had a strong hand in bringing up many of her fourteen grandchildren. One could always rely on Mom for a good meal and babysitting. She was frugal to herself but forever generous with family and friends. Mom never minced words, you would always know her thoughts — whether you wanted to or not. She prided herself on being self-sufficient, often refusing assistance even when it was necessary. Many a time we heard of health workers being turned away by Mom.

After Dad passed suddenly in 1989, Mom moved to a senior citizen apartment in the Broadview area of Toronto. She lived there independently until she started to become forgetful and had several falls requiring surgery and hospitalization. For her health and safety, her five children decided to move her to a home. Finally, in 2017, a private room was available at Yee Hong, Markham. Though she resisted in the beginning, once she was there, she settled in well. Even though she would talk about going back to the old village, she would immediately follow-up by saying how well she’s been looked after at Yee Hong. She would often say people would make snacks for her and offer her treats. Too much for her small appetite she would add!

While she improved physically during her stay at Yee Hong, her dementia continued to deteriorate. She would complain that she had no visitors even though the family took turns to visit her weekly. Due to the pandemic, just like many others, we were not able to visit our loved ones for a number of months. Starting in June, we were allowed outdoor visits under strict guidelines. She was happy to see us again.

On Oct 6, 2020, we were informed by Yee Hong that she had a slight fever and a little cough. She was tested for Covid-19. On Oct 9, 2020, she was confirmed to be positive and isolated. She responded well to the treatment and very quickly her fever and cough were under control. Even though she was frail, we were hopeful she would recover. Sadly, her age worked against her as the virus attacked her kidneys and she very quickly went into multiple-organ failure. She left us peacefully on Oct 23, 2020. We are all very relieved she didn’t have to suffer long or go through any of the invasive interventions — interventions the doctor said would have been futile.

She will be fondly remembered by her family of five children, fourteen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren: Eddy and Kim, (Keon {Jagur and Jaydlyn}, Clark, Wahly {Ella and Ivy}, Jessica and Wing Hong). Roland and Melina (Brian, Civiane/Li {Victor and Elena}), Martina and Chi (Arden/Beth, Nellie/Raphael), Ada and Rex (Danica/Benny {Koen and Preston}, Irwin/Sherry, Vincent/Karine), Paul and Sue (Jonathan and Christopher). Mom had a full long life. She is now reunited with Dad. We are grateful to have been able to have her for this long and her memories will live on forever. May she rest in peace, we love you and miss you.

Share your thoughts with the family


  1. Pam Roberts

    It is so hard to lose your parent as i have also experienced but you can also be thankful that they lived a long, interesting life. May she now Rest In Peace. My sincere condolences.

  2. Wayne Lepine

    May you find strength and comfort in each other as you mourn the passing of someone you loved, and who loved you. May all the good memories you have of her continue to live in your hearts.

  3. Dan Choi

    I am a close friend of Roland, used to be co-worker and great fishing partners in Toronto. I knew Eddy too, with interest on raising tropical aquarium fishes as a hobby. My sincere condolences to your mom’s passing. She was such a great independent super lady that we all respect, in looking after her own loved ones, grand and great-grand children. Sad that COVID took away nearly all senior lives. I am also under the threat as I am just in the recovery stage of an open heart surgery, well, hoping the best for everyone who still survives…..

  4. Linda & Fred Mo

    We are really saddened by the news of your loss. We would like to offer you and your family our deepest and most sincere condolences. God rest her soul in peace.

  5. Sean Morden

    Our sincerest condolences to your family during this difficult time. Sending you love and strength.

    Sean and Sarah

  6. Laurie Seto

    Affectionately known as “Mah Mah”, she will be remembered for her beautiful smile, kindness and sense of humour. She leaves behind a big family and thousands of loving memories. My sincerest condolences.

  7. allen eng

    Hi Eddy, my condolences on the passing of your mother, i believe she has lived a full live and is blessed with her children and many grandchildren, may she rest in peace, Sending you much love and good thoughts from you West Coast family.

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